Table of Contents
Webinaire BELPAEME Conseil – Animation Coaching Brainstorming Télétravail avec l’artiste aNa et son équipe
Construisons notre carte de vœux 2021.
L’artiste aNa développe des programmes participatifs depuis plus de 20 années. Ainsi, tout un chacun peut prendre part à un projet Collaboratif artistique très accessible.
Pour voir qui est aNa : CLIQUEZ ICI
aNa dispose maintenant d’un nouveau service digital qui permet une animation ou une participation à distance.
“Le Clip du principe”
Ce service convivial entretient LE LIEN.
Nous pouvons donc envisager d’inviter des cibles déterminées en proposant des objectifs calibrés.
- managers,
- équipes,
- collaborateurs
Les Objectifs sont pluriels
- Intégration,
- Team Building
- Brainstorming
- Agilité
- Résilience
- Résistance au changement
- …
Il existe deux différentes formules
- en libre accès (sur une durée de 1 jour à 1 mois le plus souvent)
- ou bien au contraire sur RDV sous forme de visioconférence (1 à 3h).
Dans les deux cas, nous demandons de produire une réponse graphique à une ou plusieurs questions.
Ce protocole Convivial s’inspire de travaux du Docteur Michel Lejoyeux (Psychiatre et Addictologue Université Paris 7). Il reprend la construction d’une séance en 4 temps :
- passé
- présent
- futur
- gérondif
aNa intègre dans un fond collégial, tous les dessins reçus.
Puis elle sublime le réel en créant un dessin à la ligne noire fusionnant toutes les idées et représentations.
Le principe d’œuvre d’art est rendu très accessible et universel. Il représente aussi un mur d’idées ou de témoignages.
La fresque digitale aNa peut rester sous une forme numérique et même interactive.
Cliquez sur la fresque pour découvrir les idées cachées
Your’re a STAR!
National PARKS
En plus, le dessin peut être imprimé en grand format comme en série pour des affiches, cartes de voeux, cartes de visite, cartes de correspondance, ou des objets (gourde, trophée,…).
Le Service est Accessible sur tous les Supports Numériques de la maison ou du bureau :
- Ordinateur
- Téléphone
- Tablette
aNa Artiste
Voici une idée de l’accessibilité technique.
Comment cela fonctionne.
Le but est de créer des formes simples mais pleines de couleurs, sur un logiciel en ligne. (ici le guide d’utilisation )
Comment s’inscrire
Les utilisateurs s’inscrivent en ligne sur votre page afin d’être dirigés directement sur l’outil de dessin. Ce principe technique nous offre la possibilité de suivre en temps réel le taux d’engagement et de participation et de comprendre qui produit quoi.
Ce formulaire assure également de faire accepter des RGPD qui nous autorisent à intégrer les dessins dans la fresque.
Nous recevons les idées en LIVE
Les dessins sont enregistrés et expédiés directement à aNa par e-mail.
Dès que aNa réceptionne les éléments, elle les intègre dans la toile de fond .
L’œuvre aNa
aNa a la responsabilité d’unifier toutes les propositions dans une œuvre PERSONNELLE.
Le clip du Time Lapse à partager
Il est possible de partager l’expérience en disposant d’un lien vers un time lapse retraçant la création de aNa.
L’outil de ZOOM sur les témoignages
Nous savons même créer une fresque qui zoome et présente les images et intentions des participants.
the True Space Backdrop
the True Space Backdrop – Digital Artwork – aNa Artist Mural Managed by Leyla Colon – Drawings From Florida, Puerto Rico, France all together
Where are You Guys From?
Faviola Flag
Where are You Guys From?
Adriana’s location
Where are You Guys From?
Alianis – Orlando FL
Where are You Guys From?
Chris Lives in Burgundy
Where are You Guys From?
Jean-Philippe et Marie-France _the chicken house
Where are You Guys From?
Jennyfer – Where I am from
Where are You Guys From?
Keila – Orlando Florida Mickey
Where are You Guys From?
Krystal – Where I am from. Puerto Rico.
Where are You Guys From?
Leyla – Ocean, Palm Trees & Sun. My Favorite
What was your dream when you were Little?
Faviola – Health Care
What was your dream when you were Little?
What was your dream when you were Little?
Alianis – Doc
What was your dream when you were Little?
Christina – Artist
What was your dream when you were Little?
Jennyfer – What I wanted to be…
What was your dream when you were Little?
Keila – Career
What was your dream when you were Little?
Krystal – Dreams
What was your dream when you were Little?
Leyla – Stylist
What was your dream when you were Little?
MMarieFrance – My dream work!
What a Xmas Present!!!
Chris – a magical Key to Open French Lock down
What a Xmas Present!!!
Christina – Happiness
What a Xmas Present!!!
Keila – Christmas list
What a Xmas Present!!!
Krystal – Xmas all together
What a Xmas Present!!!
Bicycle Xmas present for JP
What is your favorite DRINK?
Faviola – Drink Drawing
What is your favorite DRINK?
Adriana – Drink
What is your favorite DRINK?
Alianis – favorite drink
What is your favorite DRINK?
Christina – margarita
What is your favorite DRINK?
Jennyfer – Favorite drink
What is your favorite DRINK?
JP s drink
What is your favorite DRINK?
Keila – Tea
What is your favorite DRINK?
Krystal – Cold Coffee
What is your favorite DRINK?
Leyla – Dirty martini! Salud!
Your favorite Pet or Animal
Faviola – Animal Drawing
Your favorite Pet or Animal
Adriana – Animal
Your favorite Pet or Animal
Alianis – favorite animal
Your favorite Pet or Animal
Keila – Pet owner
Your favorite Pet or Animal
Christina – elephant
Your favorite Pet or Animal
Krystal – Personal Animal
Your favorite Pet or Animal
Leyla – Our lovely puppy Bruno
Your favorite Pet or Animal
Marie-France animal
1 image on your Vision Board for the rest of the year
Faviola – Rest of the year- Exam
1 image on your Vision Board for the rest of the year
Adriana – Vision Board
1 image on your Vision Board for the rest of the year
Christina – True Space Art
1 image on your Vision Board for the rest of the year
Jennyfer – Vision board
1 image on your Vision Board for the rest of the year
JP dream for the year
1 image on your Vision Board for the rest of the year
Keila – Rest of year – Stop COVID
1 image on your Vision Board for the rest of the year
Krystal – moving to NewYork
1 image on your Vision Board for the rest of the year
Leyla – See the world
the True Space Remote Artwork
the True Space Backdrop – Digital Artwork – aNa Artist Mural Managed by Leyla Colon – Drawings From Florida, Puerto Rico, France all together
Where are You Guys From?
Faviola Flag
Where are You Guys From?
Adriana’s location
Where are You Guys From?
Alianis – Orlando FL
Where are You Guys From?
Chris Lives in Burgundy
Where are You Guys From?
Jean-Philippe et Marie-France _the chicken house
Where are You Guys From?
Jennyfer – Where I am from
Where are You Guys From?
Keila – Orlando Florida Mickey
Where are You Guys From?
Krystal – Where I am from. Puerto Rico.
Where are You Guys From?
Leyla – Ocean, Palm Trees & Sun. My Favorite
What was your dream when you were Little?
Faviola – Health Care
What was your dream when you were Little?
What was your dream when you were Little?
Alianis – Doc
What was your dream when you were Little?
Christina – Artist
What was your dream when you were Little?
Jennyfer – What I wanted to be…
What was your dream when you were Little?
Keila – Career
What was your dream when you were Little?
Krystal – Dreams
What was your dream when you were Little?
Leyla – Stylist
What was your dream when you were Little?
MMarieFrance – My dream work!
What a Xmas Present!!!
Chris – a magical Key to Open French Lock down
What a Xmas Present!!!
Christina – Happiness
What a Xmas Present!!!
Keila – Christmas list
What a Xmas Present!!!
Krystal – Xmas all together
What a Xmas Present!!!
Bicycle Xmas present for JP
What is your favorite DRINK?
Faviola – Drink Drawing
What is your favorite DRINK?
Adriana – Drink
What is your favorite DRINK?
Alianis – favorite drink
What is your favorite DRINK?
Christina – margarita
What is your favorite DRINK?
Jennyfer – Favorite drink
What is your favorite DRINK?
JP s drink
What is your favorite DRINK?
Keila – Tea
What is your favorite DRINK?
Krystal – Cold Coffee
What is your favorite DRINK?
Leyla – Dirty martini! Salud!
Your favorite Pet or Animal
Faviola – Animal Drawing
Your favorite Pet or Animal
Adriana – Animal
Your favorite Pet or Animal
Alianis – favorite animal
Your favorite Pet or Animal
Keila – Pet owner
Your favorite Pet or Animal
Christina – elephant
Your favorite Pet or Animal
Krystal – Personal Animal
Your favorite Pet or Animal
Leyla – Our lovely puppy Bruno
Your favorite Pet or Animal
Marie-France animal
1 image on your Vision Board for the rest of the year
Faviola – Rest of the year- Exam
1 image on your Vision Board for the rest of the year
Adriana – Vision Board
1 image on your Vision Board for the rest of the year
Christina – True Space Art
1 image on your Vision Board for the rest of the year
Jennyfer – Vision board
1 image on your Vision Board for the rest of the year
JP dream for the year
1 image on your Vision Board for the rest of the year
Keila – Rest of year – Stop COVID
1 image on your Vision Board for the rest of the year
Krystal – moving to NewYork
1 image on your Vision Board for the rest of the year
Leyla – See the world
L’œuvre authentique de aNa
Il est aussi intéressant d’isoler la création de l’artiste afin de mieux profiter de son travail.
Maintenant, à vous de vous inscrire et amusez-vous !
“Je suis impatiente de recevoir vos dessins !“